使用playframework(scala)构建一个简单的RESTful Server服务


使用playframework(scala)构建一个简单的RESTful Server服务

play with scala + RESTful


前菜1 基础环境准备
  • IDE(prefer IDEA)
  • jvm/scala(最好本机已经安装好scala环境)
  • repox 加速包下载,github
  • activator 鉴于国内网络环境最好下载offline版本,当前最新版本是1.3.10

下载好解压到一个具有可写权限的目录,activator会写一些文件到该目录。官方文档特殊说明了要避开解压到/opt /usr/local或类似这样需要特殊权限的目录。

# 使用proxychains-ng为下载加速,实际测试用迅雷也可以有效加速
$ proxychains4 wget https://downloads.typesafe.com/typesafe-activator/1.3.10/typesafe-activator-1.3.10.zip

# 解压后看到 activator-dist-1.3.10
activator-dist-1.3.10           typesafe-activator-1.3.10_0.zip


export PATH=$PATH:/your/path/to/playframework/activator-dist-1.3.10/bin/


$ chmod u+x /path/to/activator-x.x.x/activator

至此,activator准备完毕。这玩意其实就是sbt + 各种模板,里面绑好sbt工具和一些工程模板,并配套一个web管理界面。里面模板可以作为学校样本或直接作为工程seed去使用。

前菜2 创建项目


$ activator new

Browse the list of templates: http://lightbend.com/activator/templates
Choose from these featured templates or enter a template name:
  1) minimal-akka-java-seed
  2) minimal-akka-scala-seed
  3) minimal-java
  4) minimal-scala
  5) play-java
  6) play-scala
(hit tab to see a list of all templates)
> 6
Enter a name for your application (just press enter for 'play-scala')
> restfulPlay
OK, application "restfulPlay" is being created using the "play-scala" template.

To run "restfulPlay" from the command line, "cd restfulPlay" then:
/Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/activator run

To run the test for "restfulPlay" from the command line, "cd restfulPlay" then:
/Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/activator test

To run the Activator UI for "restfulPlay" from the command line, "cd restfulPlay" then:
/Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/activator ui


$ activator new my-first-app play-scala


$ ./bin/activator run

# ...漫长的依赖下载过程....

--- (Running the application, auto-reloading is enabled) ---

[info] p.c.s.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)
前菜3 Play Console

项目创建好之后,可以使用基于sbtPlay console去管理调试Play应用。进入项目目录:

$ cd /your/path/to/your/prject
$ ./bin/activator

[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/diggzhang/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/play-scala/project
[info] Set current project to play-scala (in build file:/Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/play-scala/)
[play-scala] $

# 编译
[play-scala] $ compile
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed 2016-10-11 15:26:07

# 测试
[play-scala] $ test
[info] Compiling 2 Scala sources to /Users/diggzhang/code/newWayToWorld/restfulPlay/play-scala/target/scala-2.11/test-classes...
[info] ApplicationSpec:
[info] Routes
[info] application - ApplicationTimer demo: Starting application at 2016-10-11T07:26:43.939Z.
[info] application - ApplicationTimer demo: Stopping application at 2016-10-11T07:26:44.535Z after 1s.
[info] - should send 404 on a bad request
[info] HomeController
[info] application - ApplicationTimer demo: Starting application at 2016-10-11T07:26:44.653Z.
[info] application - ApplicationTimer demo: Stopping application at 2016-10-11T07:26:44.723Z after 0s.

# 输入run,便可进入开发模式
[play-scala] $ run

--- (Running the application, auto-reloading is enabled) ---

[info] p.c.s.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9000

(Server started, use Ctrl+D to stop and go back to the console...)



[play-scala] $ console
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version 2.11.7 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_73).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.

scala> import play.api._
import play.api._

scala> val env = Environment(new java.io.File("."), this.getClass.getClassLoader, Mode.Dev)
env: play.api.Environment = Environment(.,scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$TranslatingClassLoader@404123c3,Dev)

scala> val env = Environment(new java.io.File("."), this.getClass.getClassLoader, Mode.Dev)
env: play.api.Environment = Environment(.,scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$TranslatingClassLoader@404123c3,Dev)

scala> val context = ApplicationLoader.createContext(env)
context: play.api.ApplicationLoader.Context = Context(Ed...
scala> val loader = ApplicationLoader(context)
loader: play.api.ApplicationLoader = play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationLoader@7e0d1a1d

scala> val app = loader.load(context)
[info] application - ApplicationTimer demo: Starting application at 2016-10-11T07:31:03.833Z.
app: play.api.Application = play.api.DefaultApplication@928d695

scala> Play.start(app)
[info] play.api.Play - Application started (Dev)

scala> views.html.index
index   index_Scope0

scala> views.html.index("Hello")
res1: play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable =

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
                <select onchange="document.location=this.value">
                    <option selected ...

前菜4 Play目录结构


LICENSE   app       build.sbt libexec   project   target
README    bin       conf      logs      public    test

(1) app/

app源码都在该目录,符合基本的MVC结构 The app directory contains all executable artifacts: Java and Scala source code, templates and compiled assets’ sources.

app                      → Application sources
 └ assets                → Compiled asset sources
    └ stylesheets        → Typically LESS CSS sources
    └ javascripts        → Typically CoffeeScript sources
 └ controllers           → Application controllers
 └ models                → Application business layer
 └ views                 → Templates

├── Filters.scala
├── Module.scala
├── controllers
│   ├── AsyncController.scala
│   ├── CountController.scala
│   └── HomeController.scala
├── filters
│   └── ExampleFilter.scala
├── services
│   ├── ApplicationTimer.scala
│   └── Counter.scala
└── views
    ├── index.scala.html
    └── main.scala.html

4 directories, 10 files

(2) public/


├── images
│   └── favicon.png
├── javascripts
│   └── hello.js
└── stylesheets
    └── main.css

3 directories, 3 files

(3) conf/


├── application.conf -> the main configuration file for the application, which contains configuration parameters
├── logback.xml
└── routes -> 路由配置文件

0 directories, 3 files

(4) ./libexec


└── activator-launch-1.3.9.jar

0 directories, 1 file

(5) build.sbt project/

Your project’s main build declarations are generally found in build.sbt at the root of the project. .scala files in the project/ directory can also be used to declare your project’s build.

The project/ directory contains the sbt build definitions:

plugins.sbt defines sbt plugins used by this project build.properties contains the sbt version to use to build your app.

(6) target/

The target directory contains everything generated by the build system. It can be useful to know what is generated here.

  • classes/ contains all compiled classes (from both Java and Scala sources).

  • classes_managed/ contains only the classes that are managed by the framework (such as the classes generated by the router or the template system). It can be useful to add this class folder as an external class folder in your IDE project.

  • resource_managed/ contains generated resources, typically compiled assets such as LESS CSS and CoffeeScript compilation results.

  • src_managed/ contains generated sources, such as the Scala sources generated by the template system.

  • web/ contains assets processed by sbt-web such as those from the app/assets and public folders.



package controllers

import javax.inject._
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._

 * This controller creates an `Action` to handle HTTP requests to the
 * application's home page.
class HomeController @Inject() extends Controller {

   * Create an Action to render an HTML page with a welcome message.
   * The configuration in the `routes` file means that this method
   * will be called when the application receives a `GET` request with
   * a path of `/`.
  def index = Action {
//    Ok(views.html.index("Your new application is ready."))
    Ok("Your new application is ready, diggzhang")



package controllers

import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.TODO
import play.api.mvc._

class Widgets extends Controller {
  def index = TODO
  def create = TODO
  def read(id: String) = TODO
  def update(id: String) = TODO
  def delete(id: String) = TODO


承接controllers,定义route,routes配置文件第一列是http method,第二列式路由uri,第三列是路由对应的controller内的方法,非常直观。


如果现在从浏览器访问http://localhost:9000/api/widgets,这个GET /api/widgets请求,通过routes里面的配置发现指定到Widgets controller里面的index方法。index会response一个todo页面。

# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~

# An example controller showing a sample home page
GET     /                           controllers.HomeController.index
# An example controller showing how to use dependency injection
GET     /count                      controllers.CountController.count
# An example controller showing how to write asynchronous code
GET     /message                    controllers.AsyncController.message

# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET     /assets/*file               controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)

# todo api
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)

#GET     /                           controllers.Application.index
#GET     /cleanup                    controllers.Application.cleanup

GET        /api/widgets         controllers.Widgets.index
GET        /api/widget/:id      controllers.Widgets.read(id: String)
POST       /api/widget          controllers.Widgets.create
DELETE     /api/widget/:id      controllers.Widgets.delete(id: String)
PATCH      /api/widget/:id      controllers.Widgets.update(id: String)


// example
Action {
    Ok("Hello World")

// controller
package controllers

import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.TODO
import play.api.mvc._

class Widgets extends Controller {
  def index = Action {
  def create = Action {
      implicit request =>
        Ok("Got requset [ " + request + " ]")
  def read(id: String) = TODO
  def update(id: String) = TODO
  def delete(id: String) = TODO

这个时候用get去访问index,将会返回204。用post去请求create将会得到一串字符。 play.api.mvc.Action初步理解就好像一个HTTP处理器,所有http请求来了以后都交由Action去处理。play.api.mvc.Action是基于play.api.mvc.Request => play.api.mvc.Result的函数,用于处理request请求并且返回结果给客户端。 最简单的用法就是在action里直接return一个Result:

Action {
  Ok("Hello World")


Action { request =>
    Ok("Got request [" + request + "]")

// It is often useful to mark the request parameter as implicit so it can be implicitly used by other APIs that need it:
// 隐式声明 方便其他API调用request信息
Action { implicit request =>
  Ok("Got request [" + request + "]")

最后一种使用方法是给Action指定一个BodyParser, 默认不指定的情况下代表Any content body parser:

Action(parse.json) { implicit request =>
  Ok("Got request [" + request + "]")


package controllers

import play.api.mvc._

class Application extends Controller {

  def index = Action {
    Ok("It works!")

  // 带传参的方法
  def hello(name: String) = Action {
    Ok("Hello " + name)


了解以上基础知识后,我们回到Widgets Controller里,改写Action玩玩,让控制器返回我们指定的http状态码,header以及定制的信息, 修改index

package controllers

import akka.util.ByteString
import com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.TODO
import play.api.http.HttpEntity
import play.api.mvc._

class Widgets extends Controller {
  def echo = Action { implicit request =>
    Ok("Got requset [ " + request + " ]")
  def index = Action {
      header = ResponseHeader(200, Map.empty),
      body = HttpEntity.Strict(ByteString("Hello World"), Some("text/plain"))
  def create = TODO
  def read(id: String) = TODO
  def update(id: String) = TODO
  def delete(id: String) = TODO

使用Result的效果和使用Ok('Hello World')的效果一样。类似Ok(),Play还提供了如下results helper:

val ok = Ok("Hello world!")
val notFound = NotFound
val pageNotFound = NotFound(<h1>Page not found</h1>)
val badRequest = BadRequest(views.html.form(formWithErrors))
val oops = InternalServerError("Oops")
val anyStatus = Status(488)("Strange response type")

使用Action可以轻松重定向到任意路由,这个默认是使用了303 SEE_OTHER,比如下面例子里直接重定向到了某度:

package controllers

import akka.util.ByteString
import play.api.http.HttpEntity
import play.api.mvc._

class Widgets extends Controller {
  def echo = Action { implicit request =>
    Ok("Got requset [ " + request + " ]")
  def index = Action {
    // 也可以自定义返回码
    // Redirect("/user/home", MOVED_PERMANENTLY)
  def create = TODO
  def read(id: String) = TODO
  def update(id: String) = TODO
  def delete(id: String) = TODO

对控制器了解的差不多了,接下来攻略ROUTERroute是负责将每个http request转入到Action的组件。一个http请求被MVC框架视作一次事件,一次事件内主要包含两个信息:

  • 请求路由 比如/api/XXX 也包含路由里的query /api/XXX?q=a


conf/routes的文件结构不再累述。GET, PATCH, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD对应URI对应Controller,有静态路由,有动态路由:

  • 静态路由写法 GET /echo/hello controllers.Echo.hello()
  • 动态路由写法 GET /echo/hello/:id controllers.Echo.hello_id(id: Long)

动态路由里的:id其实是一个正则表达式[^/]+,有的时候如果需要动态路由捕捉URI不止一次的/,比如GET /files/images/logo.png GET /files/logos/logo.png可以使用*通配符:

  • GET /files/*name controllers.Application.download(name)


  • GET /items/$id<[0-9]+> controllers.Items.show(id: Long)


#TODO finish this blog