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superset部署好后,我们希望增加一个自定义的视图进去,很明显找不到一个教程去讲这块,官方提供了一个example issue:

Q: How do I go about developing a new visualization type?

A: Here’s an example as a Github PR with comments that describe what the different sections of the code do: https://github.com/airbnb/superset/pull/3013

该PR最终实现是New chart type : Chord Diagrams,一共修改了8个文件,且每个修改都有针对开发者的commented,只能死扣着这个PR了。八个文件分别是:

  1. superset/assets/images/viz_thumbnails/chord.png
  2. superset/assets/javascripts/explore/stores/controls.jsx
  3. superset/assets/javascripts/explore/stores/visTypes.js
  4. superset/assets/package.json
  5. superset/assets/visualizations/chord.css
  6. superset/assets/visualizations/chord.jsx
  7. superset/assets/visualizations/main.js
  8. superset/viz.py


  1. superset/assets/javascripts/explore/stores/* 2个文件
  2. superset/assets/visualizations/* 3个文件

原example issue解读



This file (controls.jsx) holds configuration for a “pool” of controls that can be used across visualizations. When creating a new visualization, you’ll want to reuse controls that already exist. If the exact control that you need doesn’t exist already, you’ll want to create it here.

Note that type references controls React components defined in javascripts/explore/component/controls/.

Also note that controls can be dynamic with mapStateToProps, allowing to map anything from the app’s state into a prop for the component. This allows in this case to get configuration elements proper to the datasource in this case, but can also be used to change a control based on another control’s value.


  • controls.jsx负责配置一堆针对视图的controls
  • 牵扯到React知识



This file contains configuration of the new chord viz type. It defines the panels of controls that should render on the left panel of the explore view.

controlSetRows references controls defined in controls.jsx, and can have one or two items and that defines how many items will render on that row.

controlOverrides allows you to override the control configuration coming from controls.jsx. By reusing the same control across visualizations we allow continuity in the sense that the values are carried over when going from a viz type to the next. For instance as you go from one viz type to the next, it’s nice to have metrics carried over, though you might want a slightly different label or tooltip in the different contexts, this is what the overrides are for.


  • 该文件定义了控制面板应该如何渲染view
  • controlSetRows跟刚刚的controls.jsx关联,可以看出到底有哪些行要渲染
  • controlOverrides用来覆盖controls.jsx传来的参数



This function is the heart of this new visualization, the framework will pass it a slice and json object, and expects you to mutate the dom element referenced in the slice object. It will be called whenever the slice needs to be rendered or re-rendered. Knowing that this function may be called many times, you can use closures here if you want to persists certain things in the module namespace.

The json objects corresponds to the data returned from running your query and related context. To see exactly what you should expect in here you can click the json button in the explore view.

The slice object contains, amongst other things, a reference to the dom element that you should mutate.

json.data corresponds exactly to what is returned in the backend ChordViz.get_data lower in this PR

On of the things that the slice object exposes isf the information provided by the user controls. The keys of this slice.formData object are the control’s “id” defined in controls.jsx and their values are the ones provided by the user.

The slice object exposes width() and height() methods that can be useful while rendering your chart.

that function should be exported as the default export for the visualization module


  • 敲黑板,核心文件就这个。
  • slice这个概念就是我们创建出的新视图呈现在看板上的地方
  • superset框架会传 slicejson两个参数到这里来,关联到要渲染的dom
  • slice加载和重载的时候都是调用这里
  • json.data负责接收了后端来的数据ChordViz.get_data
  • slice.formData对应着controls.jsx里的id
  • slice在重渲染的时候预读了一个宽搞值



simply adding the mapping from the chord visualization type to the appropriate javascript modules. It’s possible here to have multiple visualization types target the same module (look at nvd3.js!)


  • main.js里注册刚刚创建的新视图



This is the backend part of this component, you can derive BaseViz or other BaseViz derivatives

You need to override query_obj and it has to return a query object, which is essentially a Python dict with key/values that are expected by the query method of the connectors. Until this is better documented, you can look at the connector’s Datasource query method to get a sense for it.

get_data receives a pandas dataframe (df) that correspond to what is returned when applying your query object defined above. The shape of that dataframe is related to what you ask for in that query_obj.

Now whatever get_data returns needs to be json-serializable, and will be made available to the javascript visualization function as payload.data.


  • 默认读懂viz.py基本可以搞清楚从后端返回了什么数据,前端逻辑再多也是针对返回的源数据做处理
  • 所有视图的基类都是BaseViz
  • 自建的视图处理函数会重写query_obj并返回一个object对象
  • get_data会接收一个pandas的dataframe数据格式,至于dataframe到底哪些数据内容取决于query_obj
  • 最终由get_data返回的对象在前端做json序列化操作后使用

阅读example issue可以习得(猜想)什么

0. superset/assets/images/viz_thumbnails/


1. superset/assets/javascripts/explore/stores/


2. superset/assets/visualizations/


在创建了自定义的视图后,最终需要在该目录下的main.js注册到vizMap参数中,形式是key: require('自定义视图.js'),这里的key将对应到后端类中的viz_type

/* eslint-disable global-require */
const vizMap = {
  area: require('./nvd3_vis.js'),
  bar: require('./nvd3_vis.js'),
export default vizMap;

3. superset/viz.py


    viz_type = "" #用于指明是哪种视图
    query_obj     #用于查询数据
    get_data      #用于返回数据


搞起来。直接复制粘贴一个pivot table测试是否能验证猜想。虽然是照抄,但也算是开发自定义视图了,变的地方就是给重起个名字叫privot table plus

0. 创建预览图


$ cd $SUPERSET_HOME/superset/assets/images/viz_thumbnails
$ cp pivot_table.png pivot_table_plus.png

1. 添加视图配置

$ cd $SUPERSET_HOME/superset/assets/javascripts/explore/stores/
$ # 在这里对控制整体的`controls.js`没需求,只在`visTypes.js`里面添加我们自己的视图配置
$ vim visTypes.js


pivot_table: {
  label: 'Pivot Table',
  controlPanelSections: [
      label: null,
      controlSetRows: [
        ['groupby', 'columns'],
        ['metrics', 'pandas_aggfunc'],

pivot_table_plus: {
  label: 'Pivot Table Plus',
  controlPanelSections: [
      label: null,
      controlSetRows: [
        ['groupby', 'columns'],
        ['metrics', 'pandas_aggfunc'],

2. 增加自定义的视图文件


$ cd $SUPERSET_HOME/superset/assets/visualizations
$ cp pivot_table.js pivot_table_plus.js  


$ cd $SUPERSET_HOME/superset/assets/visualizations
$ vim main.js


pivot_table: require('./pivot_table.js'),
pivot_table_plus: require('./pivot_table_plus.js'),


3. 后端viz.py

$ vim $SUPERSET_HOME/superset/viz.py

找到class PivotTableViz(BaseViz)把整个类都照抄一下:

class PivotTableVizPlus(BaseViz):

    viz_type = "pivot_table_plus" # 这里对应到前端的main.js
    verbose_name = _("Pivot Table Plus")
    credits = 'a <a href="https://github.com/airbnb/superset">Superset</a> original'
    is_timeseries = False

    def query_obj(self):

    def get_data(self, df):


viz_types_list = [
