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修改superset pivot table去除All字段


superset默认提供的图表里有个Pivot Table,默认情况下会在行末和列尾增加一个All字段计算行或列的和。然而贴心的功能不一定有用,我们希望去到这两行,防止数据意义误读。

最终发现控制Pivot Table部分的源码在:


同学们,怀疑人生吗?打开代码看两眼,你就更加怀疑了。想满足需求吗?代码里的注释已经告诉答案了——jQuery hack to ...。 这部分去掉所有All字段的思路就是学着源码使用jQuery hack的方法:

// jQuery hack to set verbose names in headers
const replaceCell = function () {
  const s = $(this)[0].textContent;
  $(this)[0].textContent = slice.datasource.verbose_map[s] || s;

slice.container.find('thead tr:first th').each(replaceCell);


// jQuery hack to set verbose names in headers
const replaceCell = function () {
  const s = $(this)[0].textContent;
  $(this)[0].textContent = slice.datasource.verbose_map[s] || s;
const removeFiledAll = function () {
  let s = $(this)[0].textContent;
  if(s == 'All') {
const removeColFiledAll = function () {
  let s = $(this)[0].textContent;
const removeFieldRowAll = function () {
  let s = $(this)[0].textContent;
  if(s == 'All') {
slice.container.find('thead tr:first th').each(replaceCell);
slice.container.find('thead tr th:first-child').each(replaceCell);
slice.container.find('thead tr :last-child').each(removeFiledAll);
slice.container.find('tbody tr th').each(removeFieldRowAll);
slice.container.find('tbody tr :last-child').each(removeColFiledAll);

It works!